
The eyes say, I love u dear,
The lips move, no words appear,
If ur love is true, sincere & real,
what the lips hide, the eyes reveal…

Kiss is fly from lips,
Lips is wet also kiss,
Dont miss a kiss
it is a valve of this

Thora sa apna moo mobile ki screen kay samnay karo
Thoora sa
Thoora left say
Bus bus thaek hai
!Ammmmuahhhhhh! kiss…sssssss
Lv u

One day a girl asked Molvi,
Can i Kiss a Boy?
Molvi Replay, Naozbillah
Girl, Can i Kiss a Man?
Molve Replay, Astagfirullah
Girl, Can i Kiss you?
Molvi, Jee Bismillah

Whats live ? Live is love.
Whats love ? Love is kissing.
Whats kissing ? Come here and I show you

K: keep
I: It
S: Simple
S: Stupid

KISS is seal of soft affections
dearest tie of young connections,
love’s silent confession

Kissing is like drinking salted water
You drink, and your thirst increases

life is nothing without love,
love is emotion & kiss is practical,
don’t get emotional just b practical,
so stop loving and start kissing.

Bring Your Cell Close ur Cheek…ur LIPS ..
MmWaAhhh………! (())

Dats daBest I Can Dorm here!!

Excellent Saying : D Best Things In Life
Can Never Be Kept
They Must Be Given Away.
A Smile

Love is blind
Be very kind
Wen I kiss yu
Plz dont mind

Question:Why do Girls Close their Eyes while KISSING a GUY?
Answer: Yeh Ladkiyan Ladko ko kabhi KHUSH nahi dekh sakti

Fresh Air, Fresh Ideas, Fresh Talent, Fresh Energy, I wish U to have a Fresh and Bright New Year. Happy New Year!

Lovely as a crystal stream,Tranquil as a gentle breeze,Bright as blossoms in the sun Tommorrows possibilities!May u have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!