
I wish every day of the new year gives you great reasons to enjoy. Wishing you Happy new year.

I wish you have a rocking year ahead spent with friends and loved ones. Here is wishing you a Happy new year.

Wishing you a great New year full of good experiences and grandest success. Hope you enjoy every moment of the new year to come.

HPY NEW YEAR Receive my simple gift of LOVE Wrapped with SINCERITY Tied with CARE &Sealed with BLESSINGS Keep u hpy&SAFE all the life Long

Just as a new bloom spreads fragrance and freshness around… May the new year add a new beauty and freshness into your life.

never tell the words which i told . never tell the words which u told but tell to everyone that HAPPY NEW YEAR

Every moment in a life has its value.Morning bringz beginning,Afternoon bringz way, Evening bringz Luck,Night brings success,HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Wish you happy new year, only urloved person can feell your silent pain and will hold urhand tillu become strong again”happy new year friend

Wishing you Happy New Year, May u always keep in ur heart the special beauty and cheer of New Year

My wishes foryou,Great start forJan,Love for Feb,Peacefor march,No worries forApril,Funfor May,JoyforJuneto Nov,Happiness dec.Happy New Year

Lovely as a crystal stream,Tranquil as a gentle breeze, Bright as blossoms in the sun Tommorrows possibilities!May u have a HAPPY NEW YEAR

A happy New Year! Grant that I May bring no tear to any eye When this New Year in time shall end And made of it a happy year

New is the year,new are the hopes and the aspirations,New is the resolution, new are the spirits andForever my warm wishes are for u.

Fortunate is the one who has learned to Admire, but not to envy. Good Wishes for a joyous Halloween and a Happy New Year

Lets welcm d year which is fresh Lets welcm d year which is fresh nd new, Lets cherish each moment it beholds, Lets celebrte this NEW YEAR.