
New Year begins, let us pray that it will be a year with New Peace, New Happiness, God bless you through out the New Year

A Relaxed Mind,A Peaceful Soul, A Joyful Spirit,A Healthy Body Heart full of Love All these are my Prayers for You Wish ua Happy New Year.

New Year is at the door Remember Life is short,break the rules, Forgive quickly,Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably.Happy New Year

Here is a wishing that the coming year is a glorious one That rewards all your future endeavors with success.Happy New Year

Let”s make more good memories this year than the last one…and get in less trouble doing it. HAPPY NEW YEAR

Oh my Dear,ForgeturFear, Let allur Dreams be Clear, Never put Tear,Please Hear, Iwantto tellone thing in urEar Wishingu very Happy NEW YEAR.

Hope The New Year bringsalot of good cheerfor you May all Your Dreams Will be True, Hope the yearalso bring Gigabyte of Fun,Happy New Year.

Like the colors of a rainbow, may ur life b painted with the colors of Love,care,warmth,affection, trust,friendship and njy. Happy NEW YEAR

From New Year”s on the outlook brightens; good humor lost in a mood of failure returns. I resolve to stop complaining.

Each age has deemed the new-born year, The fittest time for festal cheer.

Time Has No Divisions To Mark Its Passage,There Is Never A Thunder-storm Or Blare Of Trumpets To Announce The Beginning Of New Month Or Year

Year”s End Is Neither An End Nor A Beginning But A Going On, With All The Wisdom That Experience Can Instill In Us.happy New Year

A New Year”s Resolution Is Something That Goes In One Year And Out The Other.

Wish You A..great,Prosperous,Blissful,Healthy,Bright,Delightful,Mind Blowing,Energetic,Terrific and Extremely ..happy,happy New Year

Beauty.. Freshness.. Dreams.. Truth.. Imagination.. Feeling.. Faith.. Trust.. This Is Begining Of A New Year!